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...But I Don't Like Blueberries

"I don’t like blueberries." is what many people say and we all have different tastes and palettes, so that is expected. A Blueberry Life is not just about having a life where you eat a bowl of blueberries, it is about having a life where one is proactively keeping themselves healthy, on the inside and out. Blueberries help cell renewal in our bodies. Metaphysical tools (one or all of them) help renew the energy (external cells) in our environments. One is similar to the other…in the effects it has on our lives. Affirmations ( in many different forms), for example, have been proven to change our minds, perspectives and bodies, thereby affecting our environments. Affirmations are blueberries for our environment and the life we live. Other metaphysical tools have had similar effects... A Blueberry Life isn’t about eating blueberries, it is about living a blueberry (energy renewal) way of life.

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